Casey, Ashley, Chase & Jimmy

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

St. George and Zion National Park

This last weekend Casey and I took a little weekend getaway. We met up with a bunch of friends in St George, Utah. We spent the day at the pool while the boys golfed. I have never stayed in St. George- only driven through. So it was kind of nice to see what it is all about. The weather was perfect. It is
crazy how all of a sudden it seems like almost all our friends have kids! We are definitely re-populating this earth haha.  Sunday was Mother's Day and all I really wanted to do was to go to Zion National Park. Casey and I have both never been and it is only a couple hours away from where we live! We aren't very good at taking advantage of Utah. It was so cool! Such a beautiful place. And very accessible even with a baby. They have tons of hikes/walks that have paved paths. So we were able to bring the stroller with Chase. The Europeans loved baby Chase. He was a hit! He doesn't get much attention in Utah because babies are everywhere! I'm excited to take him to California next and see what happens haha. Here are some pictures of the trip. I am so mad that I did not bring my good camera :(

 the boys with the babies

 The heat made Chase extra tired

 How have I never been here?!?!!

 waving for the pic


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