Casey, Ashley, Chase & Jimmy

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wellness Wednesday: Why you should eat more FAT!

This post is just in time for New Year's!
And I know this is the time of year that everyone is thinking about going on a diet or cleanse of some kind. But before you do there are some things you should consider. 
A couple of months ago my cousin Courtney turned me on to this book called, "Beautiful Babies" by Kristen Michealis
This book is not all about fertility, pregnancy and breast-feeding. It's basis is on getting back to eating REAL FOOD
"...The kind of food we ate before the industrialization of our food supply. This is the food your great-grandmother would have recognized as food"

 She backs everything with facts and research. I feel like I could go on and on about the things she says. They all make so much sense! Although it is overwhelming to think about changing your diet- she likes to go by the 80/20 rule which states that 80% of the time we should try to feed our families healthy sustainable foods and 20% of the time we need to give up the control. 

I'm going to share with you one of my favorite findings in the book:

Why FAT is good for you!

-It used to be common knowledge that saturated fat (butter, red meat, eggs) was high in cholesterol and thus caused heart disease. Well now those studies have little to no credibility because of modern research. 

1.  Fat does NOT make you Fat. Sugar/refined carbs make you FAT.
This is probably the biggest misconception in our society. 
Fat is good for you!
Remember: When fat is combined with sugar/carbs it is NOT GOOD. So don't go and eat a gallon of ice cream or a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting just cause I told you Fat is good for you. 

2.  Hormones are made from cholesterol. Without cholesterol we cannot make necessary hormones leading to hormone imbalances
"In 2007, a team of researchers at Harvard University found that women who consumed skim milk and low-fat dairy had 85% higher infertility rates than women who consumed whole-fat dairy"
-Yes there is a link between infertility and your hormones being balanced. 

3. When you take out fat you have to replace it with something else (usually processed/artificial sugars or carbohydrates)
-Next time you are at the grocery store look at the yogurt/milk products with LOWFAT or NONFAT labels and compare them to the WHOLE fat ones.
They always will have more sugar/carbs!!! or artificial sugars added
-This is one of the biggest lies told to women- That we need to eat everything "low-fat" in order to NOT BE FAT. 
-And guess what, Women have the most hormonal imbalances! (see #2)

4.  Fat makes you feel fuller longer and helps you store important vitamins like A,D,E,K. 
 If you are not getting enough fat in your diet than you are probably deficient in those vitamins because your body does not have the fat stores to store them!
- Plus you need vitamin A to make estrogen and other pregnancy hormones

Eating the RIGHT FATS

First we need to understand the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: The amount of these two needs to be somewhat balanced. In American we get WAY TOO much Omega-6 from Corn (which causes: inflammation of arteries, depression/anxiety, insomnia, low-levels of energy).  Corn is in everything!!!!! and its ratio is 46:1 which really messes up everything. Corn is fed to all animals that we eat and it is turned into oil/sugar/starch which is in turn in everything we eat. It's a problem. 

So when it comes to FAT that you eat. You want it to be CORN-FREE!

1. Say No to Modern Vegetable Oils
-EAT: Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil, Avocado Oil, Macadamia oil, Red Palm Oil
-DON'T EAT: Canola Oil (corn oil), peanut oil, sunflower oil, Safflower Oil- basically any yellow-seed based oil

2. Eat Traditional Fats
-Butter from grass fed cows (not corn fed cows)
-Sour Cream, full fat with live active cultures
-yogurt, full fat with live active cultures (harder to find than you think!)

3. Eat Meat and Eggs
-When choosing meat, try to choose grass-fed. This tends to be expensive but sometimes at stores like Trader Joes or Sprouts you can find deals or cheaper frozen options
-try to choose antibiotic and hormone free
-Don't be afraid of Bacon!
-The best eggs are ones you can get from someone local! Look on craiglist or ksl (in Utah)
-Second option: Choose eggs with Omega-3s and DHA (usually only a $1 or $2 more)
third option: Organic Eggs

4. How to Choose Dairy
-Best Choice is raw milk but good luck finding it and someone you trust who is selling it
-Second choice is Pasteurized whole milk and cheeses from grass fed cows
-Milk is one thing that I always choose to buy organic and spend a few more dollars on. 

5. Eat more Seafood
-the best source of vitamins A&D, omega-3 fatty acids and much more!
-eat more oily fish like sardines, anchovies and salmon
-try to stick to WILD vs Farmed (they are more nutrient dense)

Sorry if this all seems overwhelming!! When I first read this book I was definitely overwhelmed. But just remember FAT does not make you FAT!
So don't be afraid to eat 2-3 eggs for breakfast and some bacon! you will be shocked how much fuller you feel.  Just stay away from the donut and pancakes--most of the time :)

I definitely don't follow all these guidelines 100% of the time but I try to follow the 80/20 rule. Everything in moderation. 

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Monday, December 29, 2014

a little CHRISTMAS video!

I just finished up this short video of our Christmas!
I just updated my computer and used the new version of iMovie so there are some kinks like how the movie goes on for a minute into a black screen....sorry :(

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!!

Here is our card this year: 

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
We hope you have a great day spent with those you love the most. 

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Monday, December 22, 2014

The True Meaning of Christmas

It is SO easy to forget what the Christmas season is all about. I tend to get caught up with my to-do lists, shopping that need to be completed, cookies that need to be baked, cards that need to be sent, events that need to be attended and all the hustle and bustle that consumes the month of December. We sometimes just need to SLOW down and remember what we are really celebrating. And that is the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. I love this little movie put out by our church- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

It's a perfect little clip to help us remember what Christmas is all about. Some of the ways that I've been trying to feel the reverence of the Christmas season are:

1. Watching Music and the Spoken Word- December episodes (they just feature Christmas music sung by the Mormon tabernacle choir)

2. Reading stories out of the December issue of the church magazine- The Ensign

3. Reading Christmas Story books to my son Chase.
Here are some good ones.

4. Listening to more religious Christmas songs

I hope we can all draw closer to Christ these next few days as we celebrate his birth! 
Merry Christmas everyone!

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Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Favorite Christmas Traditions!

For me the holidays are all about family and traditions! I think that is what makes everything so magical and special. Since being married I have tried to start some of our own Christmas traditions along with carrying on the traditions from both of our families. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Personalizing a Christmas Card
-We did our first Christmas Card last year with Chase being the newest addition to our family. 
-Last year I used TinyPrints and decided to go with them again this year! I like doing the postcard format because it's usually cheaper and requires less postage!
-I haven't sent them out yet so I don't want to leak this year's card quite yet. 
This was last year's card…

2. Sub for Santa
-Casey's work and the hospital that I used to work at in Utah did a program where you picked tags with names and gifts on them (usually a couple of toys/clothes). 
-We spend an evening going to Walmart or Target and purchasing gifts for the kids
-It's so fun to shop for kids that are older than Chase
-This is such an easy way to give back because you can decide how much you want to spend.
-If you can't find a Sub for Santa near you- try searching for an Angel Tree or Toys for Tots

3. Making Avalanche Bark for Neighbors and Friends
-I used to work at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in high school and hands down the best thing they have is Avalanche bark!
-HERE is the recipe I use (try to use GUITTARD white chocolate)
-I learned to make these delicious treats and have been making them every year now!
-I found these super cute gift tag stickers this year to use on the cellophane bags. And they are a pretty good deal as well :)

4. Christmas Lights and In-n-out
-Since Chase is getting a little older he will actually be excited for this! I do a google search to find the best lights near us. In Utah there was a blog that I found that listed all the best houses, including ones that do the synchronized music with lights. Here in Orange County I did the same thing and found a ton!

5. Sugar Cookie Decorating Party
-Since I'm on bed rest I don't think we will do this one this year
-Last year I just pre-made a bunch of sugar cookies and different colors of frosting
-That night I had friends come over and bring some different toppings/sprinkles
-We usually make too many so last year we dropped them off at family, friends and neighbors houses after!

6. Read a new Christmas book every Christmas eve
-I wanted to start this tradition this year since Chase loves reading
-I haven't decided on a book yet but we could always stick with "Twas the Night Before Christmas"
This one looks like a good one too…

7.  Gratitude Advent Calendar
-I just started this one this year
-I bought an advent calendar last year from Target during the after Christmas sale and it's the perfect size
-Instead of candy/treats, I thought it would be a good idea to write little notes and put them in each day.
-Since Chase is too little, Casey and I divided odds and evens and put little notes in each pocket. 
-We wrote nice things about one another and/or things we are grateful for. 

There are so many other traditions you can add to this list! I just didn't want this list to get too long. But I think the most important thing is to remember what the Christmas Season is really about and not to get too caught up in the commercial side of things. We do our best to focus on family and the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. 

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Home Video: Trent and Rachel's Wedding Week

Here is the video I made of the wedding. I wish I would have gotten more footage. It is super short. Oh well! It was too hard to have a crazy toddler running around and both of us in the bridal party. At least I had enough to make a little movie!
Enjoy :)

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pregnancy Update: 33.5 Weeks !

Here is a little update on this pregnancy. 
I'm 33.5 weeks!

-still getting Progesterone shots weekly - they will stop when I'm 36 weeks
-Recently put on Bedrest--kinda impossible with Chase
-I was having lots of contractions last week
-Had a positive Fetal Fibronectin test (not good)
-Went to the hospital to get steroid shots to develop babies lungs incase he comes early
-Now i'm taking Procardia (Nifedipine) to stop the contractions and it's working! not fun though because it lowers my blood pressure and I already have low BP :( 
-My doctor says my goal is 36 weeks so that puts me at the Sunday after Christmas!
-2.5 weeks left of bed rest and meds!
-I'm feeling good though- just tired but not sick at all!
-Pretty ready to not be pregnant anymore and to EXERCISE but I'm not sure I'm ready for another baby! 

 Here are some pictures of what we have been up to lately….
 We had our church Christmas party last Saturday
Chase obviously loved meeting Santa. 
He even held his breath and turned purple :)

 Saw the boat parade at Dana Point Harbour with friends!

My friends all threw me the funnest little baby shower at this cute restaurant in San Clemente
I'm still amazed at these girls and how welcoming they have been to me since I moved here!
Seriously I could not have asked for a better group of girls to live by :)

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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Little Brother's Wedding and Thanksgiving at the Beach!

My little brother Trent got married a few weeks ago on November 22nd to Rachel Holmes! We could not be more excited about adding another member to our family! Seriously we lucked out with Ray (Rachel). She is the best sister, friend and auntie anyone could ask for! The wedding went perfectly and we had the best weather!

My parent's rented a beach house in Encinitas for the wedding so we stayed there for all of Thanksgiving week. It was so fun and relaxing! We had the most perfect weather and the boys had great surf right in front of the house. We mainly spent that week just laying out, going on walks, going to movies and eating out (there are so many good places in Encinitas!). And eating way too many donuts! 

For Thanksgiving we went out to a steak house and had the best Thanksgiving meal meal that we didn't have to cook! We were able to head over to Target that night to get a new tv for our bedroom- SCORE. We stayed at the beach house until Saturday morning and headed up to La Canada that day for the Open house there. To say we have had a busy last few weeks would be an understatement! 

We have so many things to be grateful this holiday season and Trent getting married to Ray is for sure one of them! We are looking forward to relaxing the next few weeks of December and hoping I can cook this baby a little longer! 

 tasted a lot more amazing than it looks!

 He kept calling this his BINKY

 Chase thinks he is one of the big cousins

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