Casey, Ashley, Chase & Jimmy

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My DREAM LIST: item 1

I want to go here SOOOOOOO BAD. I am obsessed with HP. My friend Ariana and I had matching shirts in high school and she even had a HP backpack. We used to go to all the premieres at midnight and ditch school to wait in line. This place is LEGIT. It has Hogsmeade VIllage, Diagon Alley, HOGWARTS, and even real butter beer!!!!! I NEED TO GO. If anyone is interested, we need to start planning this trip. ASAP. I'm thinking President's Day weekend?


  1. I want to go here SOOOO bad, I am waiting for Callum to be old enough to that I can use him as an excuse to go. ryan just doesn't get it.

    it was good to see you the other weekend, hopefully next time we'll get to chat a bit :)

  2. ME! I want to go SO much!! Ever since they announced that they were thinking about building it! It kills me that it is in Fluorida- too bad we are poor right now!

  3. ash!!! i've been dying to go there!!!! i did all the same things in high school with my friend ashley bruce! haha

    sam and i have free round trips we've been saving up....we were going to try to make a long vaca out of it and were thinking florida, but let me know if you're serious about president's day weekend and i'll talk to the hub about it!

  4. I want to go SO BAD!! I want to go when it's cold though...too bad florida is never snowy. Hogsmeade would be so great all snowy. cant wait for the 7th movie(s)!

  5. Girlfriend! If you end up coming, you have to tell me when so I can come meet you!!!!

  6. Ty and I went there at the beginning of October and it was AMAZING! I'm obsessed!
