Casey, Ashley, Chase & Jimmy

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ashley's Top 5 pastimes

Casey can't steal all the fire so I decided to make a list of my own:
1. Casey in Hawaii
2. surfing Malibu with my family and hopefully Casey when he can keep up someday
3. Dodger games and Dodger dogs with Becca.
4. Laying in the sun all day (preferably on the beach) with good music and friends
5. Going to movies


  1. Surf isn't great in Utah so I don't know if I'll ever be able to keep up with you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. attta girl ash!
    # 6. Taking the classic dani/ash pic & laughing really hard at the faces after.
    there, now it's completed.

  4. woot woot! you've finally updated your blog!

  5. ASH!! Hey sweetie! I'm so excited you have a blog. Brian and I were so sad we couldn't make it to the wedding. :( Email me your email address so I can send you an invite to our blog.

  6. Ash! i made the top five i feel so honored!!! thanks so much! love you!
